when spencer passed away i went to utah with gina and stayed with her until after his funeral. here are a few things we did while i was there.
dressed like a 'special' pirate
cookie smiles [and mustaches]
we tried long arm quilting. [i will own a long arm quilter one day. one day.]
we went to 5 fabric stores. here are some of my buys.
we made tiny quilt blocks using the paper piecing method.
we ate lunch at vivint [where gina works] everyday. it was like eating at a restaraunt. every day.
this photo is evidence of 100% insanity. the little boat, which has 8 pieces, is only 1 inch square. i love it.
most poorly sewing pin cushion ever. this is good for throwing at people named gina.
i made 5 of these blocks.
i want that boat. all 5 of them. send me the pattern??? stat. that means now. when you are done eating garlic rolls and those tortilla pinwheel thingys.