Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day Ten: A Song By My Favorite Band.

This one is a hard one for me! I was talking to my Dad on the phone the other day and I told him that he and mom gave their kids a serious disservice. They introduced us to so much music, so many different genres, it's impossible to narrow down a, band, or genre. There is too much good stuff out there!  I have two songs. Are you surprised?! I picked the first one because the name of their group actually has the word "band" in it's title. The second one because who doesn't love them (and their lead singer in this song!)? Seriously, they are the best.  Is anyone else as exicted as I am that Jimmy Fallon has taken over the Tonight Show!?

As She's Walking Away -- Zac Brown Band

The Weight -- Jimmy Fallon and The Muppets  Watch this one for sure! Animal is hilarious.
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