Good Idea: Checking out books from the library.
Bad Idea: Not returning said books on time.
Consequence: I just paid $60 in library book fees. For my big children. They owe me. A lot.
Good Idea: Cooking a corned beef in the crockpot for over 24 hours. 20 hours on warm, 4-6 on low. It's super tender and delicious.
Bad Idea: Adding carrots to the corned beef. Now it tastes like carrots. gross.
Good Idea: Suggesting excellent shows to watch on Netflix to my Dad.
Consequence: He has spent a lot of time lately watching White Collar.
Outcome: He loves that show and has informed me I'm on his 'list.'
ps, that list if of favorite children. It's actually a plaque. My name is the only one on it.
Good Idea: Calling Gina to talk visit and inform her how clever I am.
Bad Idea: Gina not answering her phone.
not clever.
Good Idea: Letting Matthew keep the rabbit he caught in the yard.
Bad Idea: I liked the dumb rabbit and then it died so we bought a new rabbit today. A black Holland Lop named Minion.
Good Idea: Calling your friend when you don't have anything to do.
Bad Idea: Ending up talking about poop because she didn't have anything to do either.
We are mature. But we really did say the word poop, several times.